Centre canadien d'hygiène et de sécurité au travail
Symbole du gouvernement du Canada

>CHRIS - GESAMP Hazard Profile

GESAMP Hazard Profile - A composite list of hazard profiles evaluated by the Joint Group of Experts on the Scientific Aspects of Marine Environmental Protection (GESAMP). A summary of the legends used in the profile follows.

  Bioaccumulation and Tainting
+ Bioaccumulated to significant extent and known to produce a hazard to aquatic life or human health.
Z Bioaccumulated with attendant risk to aquatic organisms or human health, however, with short retention of the order of one week or less.
T Liable to produce tainting of seafood.
O No evidence to support one of the above ratings (+, Z, T)


  Damage to Living Resources 96 hr LC50
5 Extremely toxic less than 0.01 mg/l
4 Highly toxic less than 1 mg/l
3 Moderately toxic 1-10 mg/l
2 Slightly toxic 10-100 mg/l
1 Practically nontoxic 100-1000 mg/l
0 Non-hazardous greater than 1000 mg/l
D Substance likely to blanket the sea-bed  
BOD Substance with oxygen demand  


  Hazard to Human Health by Oral Intake LD50
4 Highly hazardous less than 5 mg/kg
3 Moderately hazardous 5-50 mg/kg
2 Slightly hazardous 50-500 mg/kg
1 Practically non-hazardous 500-5000 mg/kg
0 Non-hazardous greater than 5000 mg/kg


  Hazard to Human Health by Skin and Eye Contact or Inhalation
II Hazardous (severe irritation, strong sensitizer, lung injury, percutaneous toxicity, carcinogenic, or other specific long-term adverse health effect.
I Slightly hazardous (mild irritation, weak sensitizer)
0 Non-hazardous (non-irritant, not a sensitizer)


  Reduction of Amenities
XXX Highly objectionable because of persistency, smell or poisonous or irritant characteristics; as a result contaminated beaches liable to be closed; also used when there is clear evidence that the substance is a human carcinogen or that the substance has the potential to produce other serious specific long-term adverse health effects in humans.
XX Moderately objectionable because of the above characteristics, but short-term effects leading only to temporary interference with use of beaches; also used when there is credible scientific evidence that the substance is an animal carcinogen but where there is no clear evidence to indicate that the material has caused cancer in humans, or when there is evidence from laboratory studies that the substance could have the potential to produce other serious specific long-term adverse health effects.
X Slightly objectionable, non-interference with use of beaches.
0 No problem.


Ratings in brackets, ( ), indicate insufficient data available to the GESAMP experts on specific substances, hence extrapolation was required.

N - Not applicable (e.g. if gases)

- Indicates data were not available to the GESAMP Working Group.